西塔 (Sita) 不信仰宗教,因为她的父母是自杀式爆炸袭击受害者。从那时起,西塔的人生目标只有一个,那就是找到罪孽最深的人,当那个人死后,西塔想要进入他的坟墓,以证明坟墓的折磨不存在,宗教也不是真实的。然而,那些不相信的人会面临可怕的后果...
- 8.0 名模夜惊魂
- 6.0 鲨鱼女孩
- 4.0 格吉(杀人鬼)
- 10.0 鬼气球
2014 恐怖简介:The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped women are kept imprisoned in a squalid medical facility condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their captors, without any hope of rescue or escape.
- 7.0 直播鬼戏院